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I am a wife, a daughter, a sister, a friend,
an amateur cook, an above average volleyball player,
a lover of learning, and a child of God.

My name is Lauren Elaine!  I live in beautiful Huntington Beach, California with my wonderful, handsome, wise, and exceptionally strong husband, John. We are enjoying our newlywed life and are excited for what lies ahead. 

We are passionate about our faith, family, fitness, and nutrition!




For those of you who know me, you know that I LOVE FOOD!


If you have had the pleasure of conversing with me recently, you also may have realized that I have become more and more intrigued and passionate about nutrition and living a whole foods lifestyle.


Now, I am no fad-diet supporter, but I am a supporter of living life to the fullest and being the best version of yourself you can be. I firmly believe that a healthy lifestyle, spiritually, physically, emotionally, and mentally, is the only way to live life and love others to the best of your ability.


With that being said, I think that nutrition is a HUGE area of improvement for many people in our community. (That may be a bit of an understatement considering that one third of the American population is obese…) I am excited to share my newly learned knowledge with people through posts and recipes. I hope that I can inspire some informed healthy changes along the way.


Please note that, I do not think that it is healthy to have black and white relationships with food. So many people (men and women, but especially women) struggle with their relationship with food. Fad diets and the promise of a quick fix has obstructed people’s eating patterns, but has also interrupted our body’s natural form of communication between stomach and brain.


I believe that balance is key in life, and the same applies for nutrition. Transitioning to a whole foods diet may be difficult at first, but over time you will find yourself saying ‘no’ to things you thought you couldn’t live without, and saying ‘yes’ to those same foods sparingly, most likely on special occasions. You control your diet, your diet does not control you.


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